1982 Porsche 911 Cylinder Head Removal

1982 Porsche 911 Cylinder Head Removal

Posted: Sunday, January 15th, 2017, 9:28 PM

As you can imagine, Porsche engine teardown can begin to get monotonous after awhile.  This time there was a little bit of a challenge.  The 1982 911 Porsche SC engine was dropped off for a rebuild but it could not be spun though a full crank rotation.  In order not to hurt anything further than it was (luckily nothing was hurt), I bore scoped the cylinders first.  I saw something in #1 that I could not identify.  Turns out that it was a washer with a leaf on top of it.  In order to make sure that nothing was harmed, I changed up the teardown sequence a little bit.  Typically we pull off the entire bank of heads connected to the cam rack.  This time, I popped the cam rack first so I could easily pull one cyliner head at a time.  Turned out to be a valuable procedure because removing the whole rack wouldn't allow you to see anything that might fall out of the cylinder, like a washer.  Check out the video below to see the teardown.  Thanks for watching!

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